Saturday, September 13, 2008

School Days

Every morning the Elementary students gather on the tennis courts. At 8:00 AM the whistle blows and they line up by class, Kindergarten, then First grade, then second grade,...well you get the picture. the Principal leads the children in their Bible memory verse and gives announcements and greetings.
Then the children sing the Thai National anthem. (in Thai)
In Thailand, at 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM, everything STOPS as the Thai National anthem is played on loudspeakers. If you are handing money to the cashier in the grocery store.... If you are walking down the street at the walking Market.... If you happen to have real TV, like my neighbors do, at 8:00 AM their show stops and the music comes on.
Then the school day starts.

Here are some boys playing basketball before the school day starts. They are wearing the school PE uniform.

Here are some friends ready for the day to get under way. All schools in Thailand have a school uniform. Grace International School has 5 different colored shirts: green, blue, yellow, white and burgundy, black shorts or pants and a black jumper.

This is the brand new Climber that was just installed this year. The students and families had a fundraiser last year to buy some new playground toys. As you can see, this toy is a big "hit".

Grace has a huge, beautiful pool, so all the students have swim lessons once a week for one of their PE classes. Afterschool families meet their children for a swim. We can swim year round here in Thailand.

the children have Chapel once a week. The 6th grade class led Chapel music on this day. this room is also the cafeteria and the auditorium.
Well there you have a few photos of grace and it's students. Enjoy !!!

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