Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas trees around DC

This evening I finally made it down to see the NATIONAL CHRISTMAS TREE. It's pretty big and quite colorful. There are several train sets set up around the bottom of the tree. Folks can walk all the way around it And then there are small trees about 5 feet tall set up along the walkways representing all the states and territories.
Here you can see the National Christmas tree, some small state trees, and the Washington Monument.

The National Christmas tree is set up in the eclipse, if you look one see the back of the WHITE HOUSE and the other see the Washington Monument.

The lights and decorations are a net laid over the whole tree.
Overheard while at the National Christmas tree................. A young dad says to his young son,,, okay son, now it's time for us to start saying goodbye to the tree because it's just about time for us to go. Son: no daddy no and he starts to cry. Dad: we don't have to go just yet. Let's go ask mommy how we'll say goodbye okay. Son: okay dad. And thankfully mommy had an idea and a short time later I saw this little family walking away and the son was smiling and skipping.

Here is a huge christmas tree set up in front of the US capitol building. This year, this tree comes from the state of Wyoming and all the decorations were made by school children from Wyoming. The day I saw it we were having 30 - 45 mph WAS cold and windy...I could "hear" the tree before I got near to it. Many of the ornaments were made of tin or metal etc and they clanged and banged and jungled in the wind.

Inside the US Botanical Gatdens near the Capitol building, there was another very decorated Christmas tree. It was SO cold and windy outside, and inside, well...I could NOT get my jacket off quick enough! It was warm and toasty and the displays were lovely.

Here's the full tree... lovely.

And here is the Christmas tree in the front of a Lutheran church that I visited recently.

a close up of a dove ornament.
Wishing you all a joyful and blessed 2011. Happy New Year!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Christmas Memory

Last sunday I decided to attend a nearby Lutheran church service.... I was wanted to see an Advent wreath and sing some christmas Hymns.
Well I was definitely NOT disappointed AND..... I got a little trip down Memory Lane when I saw their Christmas Tree.
One of my favorite memories from my childhood is making Christmons to decorate the huge tree at the church we attended. "What's a christmon you ask?????"
Well they are symbols from the christian faith. We always made them from sheets of white styrofoam. My dad would use his exacto knife to cut them out and then we kids would cover them in glitter!!!! We would have a family gathering at church where we'd make these sparkly decorations, the Pastor would explain the meanings behind each symbol and then we'd hang them on the tree. And then every sunday I'd sit and stare at "MY" ornaments on the tree....So beautiful.
So this last Sunday I was thinking about my dad and the joyful times we spent making these unique ornaments for the tree..... and I discovered that a tree decorated with Christmons is still just as lovely today as it was in my memory.
Merry Christmas and Joy to the world the Lord has come!!!



Sunday, October 31, 2010

Beautiful Fall Colors

Beautiful day to take in the Skyline Drive in the Shennandoah National Park.
Fantastic views as far as the eye could see.

great colors

My favorite photo of Fall color................. at Deep Creek Lake in Maryland at a Women's retreat

Swallow Tail Falls and canyon hike with some gals from the retreat

My favorite spot to sit and take in the fall colors surrounding the cabin we stayed at during the retreat.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


We hit the metro around 8 PM with "thousands" of others, all heading to the National Mall. It was crowded and everyone was looking forward to a fun evening. Here you can see nothing but people trying to get out of the metro, up the escalator, and people trying to get off the trains and into the lines of folks on the platform.

We arrived on the National Mall. No grass to be seen, only a sea of people sitting, standing, walking...and waiting for the fireworks to begin. enlarge this photo and you will see a carpet of people, everywhere. We found space to stand in a closed off street near the Washington Monument.

And the fireworks begin...................

they were spectacular, and fun and full of ahhhhhhhhhs!

Red, white, and blue.......just right for the 4th !

Afterwards, we joined the mass of folks walking up the streets and out of the area..."our moonlight stroll" past the White House. We joined the crowds to squeeze into the full beyond capacity metro and headed home to the cats and air conditioning!
A really fun and memorable evening. When in the Washington DC area, everyone should experience the 4th on the Mall at least once!!
Happy summer

sorry I don't think my firework videos made it here!

Friday, July 2, 2010

God bless America

I found this poem the other day.............


by Sharon Dyer

The Fourth of July is special to me
Not just because of its great history
But because God's own gracious hand
Has blessed and stretched across our land.

On this day we remember those who've gone
To foreign lands and fought bravely on
Those who have laid down their very lives
So you and I could proper and thrive.

A day to recall that we have choices
To worship freely and lift our voices
The privilege to vote and take a stand
A right not known in every land.

So on this day when flags freely fly
And brillant fireworks burst in the sky
Let us remember to look above
And remain true to the land we love.

Happy Fourth of July weekend. Celebrate, enjoy and be thankful, for we are indeed blessed.

blessings, pam

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Weekend

A short 5-10 minute walk from where I live...and I was at the Arlington National Cemetery.
In the distance, across the green lawn, and through the trees, I could see the U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial.

It is a huge statue and today it was surrounded by a crowd of Veterans and their families.

Over the hill you enter the Arlington Cemetery. For Memorial Weekend each marker has received a flag, more than 320,000 flags were placed.

Walking down to the entrance to catch the Metro back home.

Across the Potomac River I could see the capitol building, the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. And summer has arrived in DC.
Thank you to all those who are serving or who have served in our U.S. Armed Forces and to their families. Thank you for the freedoms I enjoy every day. God Bless America.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring arrives

Spring arrives in Washington DC in the celebration of the Cherry blossom festival ! and what a beautiful way to open tourist season and welcome warm temperatures after a snowy winter.

My daughter and I rode the metro into the city and arrived on the National Mall, with thousands of folks from all over the USA and overseas.

Venders selling trinkets and food... folks playing frisbee or tossing a football ...babies crying in their strollers ...crowds trying to figure out which way to go... and cameras snapping photos in every direction...

Yep...this was a fun sight to see.... there are many ways to see the sights, walk, bus, bike, and of course the ever popular sedway!!

Everywhere you look, folks are enjoying just Being Here! bring your blanket and picnic basket and stay for the day. The fragrance of the cherry blossoms was ever present and oh so delightful.

From the metro exit, we walked passed the Washington monument, across the National Mall, crossing several streets and finally arrived with the crowd at the Tidal Basin... the whold place was cherry blossoms.

...the Jefferson memorial.

Take a moment, and enjoy the view....

When the breeze blew...we found ourselves walking in a snow of cherry blossoms...lovely.

The crowd was so thick and moved S-l-o-w-l-y because everyone was snapping photos and searching for that perfect group shot... AND all the while, you had to keep alert because the branches of the trees are low and one must duck under the branches here and there. (how thoughtful to add a sense of adventure and obstacle course to the day ha!)

Here is how the scene appeared all day long..... every inch filled with folks from all over, enjoying the experience.

Don't I look lovely with cherry blossoms ?????

Once we had walked around the ENTIRE Tidal basin and snapped a zillion photos...and let me rest my poor feet by sitting on a park bench or two ... we made our way back out onto the National Mall. We saw the WWII memorial, looked down the long refection pool to our next destination... The Lincoln Memorial.

Here I am at the top of the steps looking out at the Reflection Pool, the Washington Monument and the Capitol building . What an incredible sight ! We walked down these steps and over to the Viet Nam War memorial. After a day filled with constant noise of happy voices, the Viet Nam Memorial was a quiet, reflective walk. We then strolled a few blocks passed quaint old row houses and the George Washington University campus where students were out enjoying spring break and a sunny afternoon, caught the metro and headed home. My feet were tired, but my smile was still on my face. I am proud to be an American. Happy Easter, Happy Spring!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A reminder of where I am...

I was walking down the street after delivering some paperwork, I looked up...and there was the capital building!! yep I am in washington DC ha!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February blizzard

Here I am out front of my apartment building the day after our Blizzard! Yep, that's me in long pants and a fleece jacket!
That's my apartment building. Walked up the street today to pick up some soda and snacks etc for the superbowl game today. It was so sunny and nice out and everyone else was out walking and enjoying the day.

Most of the cities in the area closed down at noon on friday to get everyone home before the big blizzard arrived. friday evening and most of saturday the winds blew and the snow fell. The area received 18-30 inches of snow.

I am enjoying the snow, after two years in thailand and five years in Las vegas...It is so much fun to experience WINTER!!!

The trees are so beautiful. My area did NOT have power outages, so that means I was snug and cozy.

And did I say...I love snow!! hahahaha! (and church service was live online today!)
Happy Winter.