Sunday, October 12, 2008


Today I finally became a "Thai Parker"
I drove to were church meets, got there early so decided to try parking IN the parking garage. (usually I park outside and walk around to the side door. anyway, I found a nice spot, parked, and went to bible study and church service.
After service was over, I made my way back to the car, AND SURPRISE a car had come and parked so close beside me that it was a miracle that my side mirror was still there AND there was a whole line of vehicles parked behind my car (and everyone elses) !!!!
In thailand, once the parking places are filled, then folks park across the back of the cars. they leave their cars in Neutral, so that you can push them out of the way.
Today the cars were all parked so closely that I had to go to the end car and start moving one car at a time so that finally I was able to move the car that was behind me. then I had to crawl through the passengers side door, and do some acrabatics to get my body positioned behind the wheel. finally I was able to back out and drive away !!!! Mission accomplished, I can get out of Thai parking !!! I drove away with a smile on my face.

Later on in the day, my roommate, eileen and I were running errands and needed to find a place to park at the store. All the parking slots were full..... So guess what I did ???? Yep, I parked behind someone and we ran our errands>

I am a Thai "Park-er" :0)


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Land of Plenty

Land of Plenty.......plenty of Lays potato chips!!!!
Today I stopped off at the grocery store afterschool for some bread and eggs.
I had my camera with me, so thought I'd take a few photos...
hmmmmm the Potato chip aisle seemed to be calling me.
Here was an interesting aisle of flavors, to delight those
Check out the choices.
something you'd find in the USA

mmmmmm tasty!

the name says it all
Flavors and choices continued below in the next entry.
After reading to the bottom of the next entry, I would love to hear which flavor suits your fancy, and maybe we can get the company to import some yummy new choices to the USA
Maybe you've come across your own different exotic flavor....
Come on share with us
And while we're at it, perhaps you have been inspired to invent your own flavor
the possibilities are endless.
continued below

Potato chip flavors CONTINUED

And the variety of chips continues with Extra Barbacue........

Followed by this YUMMY selection, Hot Chili Squid !!

It's difficult to find a hamburger here, but here you have
Double Cheese Pork Burger!!

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Spicy Seafood..........

cheese and onion

and a little sweet Basil, to finish off the choices !!!
Yes indeed !!
There are Many flavors of Lays potato chips here in the grocery store in Thailand.
The Thai people seem to love a variety of chips for their meals and snacks.
(Bonus points... How many did you count in all???)
What's that you say..... yep, you noticed it........
on the shelf today, there were NO Original flavored chips,
just the wonderful variety pictured above.
Next time you visit Thailand, I'll make sure you are well "chipped" hahahaha.
Pam (I had a peanutbutter sandwich with NO chips :0)